
These are the books about natural dyeing I have added to my personal library thus far. In these I have found a rich resource of ‘how to’ information and extensive historical context.

Boutrup, J., Ellis, C. (2018). The art and science of natural dyes: principles, experiments, and results. Schiffer Publishing.
Cardon, D. (2007). The art of dyeing: sources, tradition, technology and science. Archetype Publishers.
Cardon, D. (2016). The dyer’s handbook: memoirs of an 18th-century master colorist.
Oxbow Books
Cardon, D. (2020). Workbook: Antoine Janot’s colours. Hermes.
Dean, J. (2010). Wild color: the complete guide to making and using natural dyes.
Watson-Guptill Publications.
Kirby, J., van Bommel, M., Verhecken, A. (2014). Natural colorants: for dyeing and lake pigments. Archetype Publishers.
Liles, J.N. (1990). The art and craft of natural dyeing: traditional recipes of modern use. The University of Tennessee Press.
Marshall, J. (2018). Singing the blues: soulful dyeing for all eternity. Saint Titus Press.